Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Song Two

Oh to be an 'upside-down' snowman.
I saw one on the news.
Years on television,
Often asked if I miss it. --- I do.
There was a time, 1981, when
I sat above the main studio at KTVY now KFOR
in Oklahoma City
---a special viewing room, where TV shows could
be observed in person, but from a glassed-in perch.
Alone, in the dark - looking down.
-I imagined it back in the ‘50s!
Oh that day, above - in the perch, I felt such power
(my youth).
So lucky to have a job. So lucky to have a skill.
Almost had to pinch myself.
This is a man who loves life.
This is a man who will fight to stay alive.
This is no last stand.

This is a man who lives in grace.
with small, bold steps.
..I’m so grateful for the snow, in case I fall.
..because --often-- I do.

(I will walk on Carl Sandburg's "cat feet.")
